Introducing E-Learning Courses

Did you know that Cledor delivers e-learning courses for on-site staff?

Especially important at the moment where face to face contact is minimised, our online self-assessment courses are low cost and keep your site staff appropriately trained.

Each e-learning course takes your valuable on-site colleague through a half hour course that they can take on their computer or tablet, and at the end, some questions to test their knowledge. If they pass, they earn a certificate which you can hold on file. 

Relevant to all site staff is the covid-19 e-learning module: Coronavirus – what you need to know. This course draws upon the latest information from a variety of public courses, cutting through the confusion and helping your site staff with prevention and response strategies.

Send Nick Regnier an email for more details about how a bespoke range of courses, taken over a programme of weeks or month, can be arranged for each member of site, entirely relevant to their role.

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