Turning great service into a memorable experience


The devil is in the detail and nowhere is this truer than in customer service.

Our on-site teams are dedicated to delivering a first-class service; a memorable everyday experience for our residents.

At Cledor, we believe the key to truly excellent service lies in taking care of the little things and doing all of them exceptionally well. These in turn create a memorable experience and the resulting feel-good factor is shared between the residents and the on-site team. It feels good to do good. 

So how do we about creating these memorable experiences?

Cledor places a high value on providing residents with a warm and genuine welcome. This means opening the door as a resident approaches, with a smile and asking how their day has been. Inevitably, there is something we can help them with, so we ask them. Whether that is helping with the return of a parcel, picking up dry cleaning on the way in the next day, suggesting a florist, or offering to stay a little later than normal, we find ways to help. We’ve found that this degree of attention to our residents’ needs helps to elevate the service they receive from ‘great’ to ‘memorable’. 

Memorable experience = success for all

By staff adopting a positive mindset and desire to help, any on-site team can achieve fantastic results. A great on-site team will support office-based property managers no end, by taking the pressure off and ultimately helping them to retain the instruction year after year. Memorable experiences are a vital part of ‘placemaking’, which is essentially putting that development on the map as a desirable and special place to live. 

Can you train staff to create memorable experiences?

Yes. We can and we do. 

Whilst this comes naturally to some, all who attend our Cledor Training Academy have this attitude instilled, no matter the training topic. We like to say that one benchmark of our success is when it becomes second nature for a concierge to ask simple questions such as ‘How may I help you?’ or ‘Is there anything else I could assist you with?’

It might sound corny but we believe that working for Cledor should also be a memorable experience. We work hard to create a working environment where employees feel trusted and empowered to exceed expectations and grow in their roles, through great leadership and coaching. Cledor’s managing director visits as many of our sites as possible on a weekly basis, liaising with the on-site teams and individuals to make their daily tasks less stressful and more enjoyable.

Fond memories

How many times have you passed by a place where you used to live and the memories were particularly strong for one reason or another? As a property manager, you have a role to play in how fondly your residents recall where they once lived. 

It’s people who create fond memories so we work very hard to find the key people for your developments, people who possess strong hospitality/customer experience. We give those people the right tools for the job and make training fun! We encourage their career progression, even if that means we may lose them. Their achievements are recognised, celebrated and rewarded, and we get a huge amount of satisfaction seeing them taking pride in their work and seeing their great suggestions lead to new, better ways of working. 

In years to come, if you want your residents to take a trip down memory lane, remember that you’ll find your key people at Cledor. 

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