Fire Safety Regulations 2022: Fire Door Checks

From 23 January 2023, it became a legal requirement under The Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022 for Responsible Persons of blocks of flats above 11 metres in height:

  • to carry out quarterly common parts fire door checks

  • to carry out annual checks of front flat doors leading onto internal common parts areas

As providers of on-site staff, we know the importance of health and safety at our clients’ residential buildings and we take an active role in making sure everyone – our staff, property managers, visitors and of course the residents – plays their part. 

We hope our fire door infographic is useful to you. Please share with your colleagues and let us know if you need any help in sourcing qualified fire door inspectors or certified contractors to carry out fire door remedial work.

If you’re in need of training, our friends at Tetra Consulting regularly run informative webinars. You can find more information here.

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